Wyniki wyszukiwania (247)
10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies , 2-4.07.2018 , Palma, Mallorca, Spain
11. medzinárodna vedecka konferencia BEZPEČNÉ SLOVENSKO A EURÓPSKA ÚNIA , 9-10.10.2017 , Koszyce, Słowacja
11th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) Conference Managing Risk in Space , 19-21.10.2021 , Rotterdam, Holandia / International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) Conference
12th International Scientific Conference “Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century" , 9-10.11.2017 , Braşov, Rumunia / Conference on Defense Resources Management
12th PhD Student Conference. New Approaches to the National Security , 14.02.2017 , Brno, Czech Republic / PhD Student Conference
13th International Scientific Conference “Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century" , 8-9.11.2018 , Braşov, Rumunia / Conference on Defense Resources Management
13th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. International Conference on E-Learning 2019 , 17-19.07.2019 , Porto, Portugal / Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS)
14th edition of the International Scientific Conference Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century , 7-8.11.2019 , Brasov, Romania / Conference on Defense Resources Management
16th International Academic Conference "Social Sciences for Regional Development 2021" , 15-16.10.2021 , Daugavpils, Łotwa
17th International Academic Conference "Social Sciences for Regional Development 2022" , 14-15.10.2022 , Daugavpils, Latvia
19th Annual Conference of the Partnership for Peace Consortium Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group , 27-31.05.2019 , Budapest, Hungary
1st International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems (APPIS 2018) , 8-12.01.2018 , Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
2021 Communication and Information Technologies (KIT) , 13-15.10.2021 , Vysoke Tatry, Slovac Republic
22nd International Scientific Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management , 6-7.10.2022 , Osijek, Croatia
23rd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems , 4-6.09.2019 , Budapest, Hungary
25th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems , 8-10.09.2021 , Szczecin, Polska / International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
25th Knowledge-Based Organization , "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy , 13-15.06.2019 , Sibiu, Rumunia / International Scientific Conference - The Knowledge-Based Organization (KBO)
2nd International Conference on Economics and Management Innovations ICEMI (2017) , 15-16.07.2017 , Bangkok, Thailand
2nd International Eurasian Conferences on Educational and Social Studies , 27-28.08.2022 , Guarda, Portugalia
30th International Business Information Management Association Conference , 8-9.11.2017 , Madryt, Spain / International Business Information Management Association Conference
32nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems , 23-29.06.2019 , Wrocław, Polska
33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 , 10-11.04.2019 , Granada, Hiszpania / International Business Information Management Association Conference
34th International Business Information Management Association Conference , 13-14.11.2019 , Madryt, Spain / International Business Information Management Association Conference
35th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) , 1-2.04.2020 , Seville, Spain
36th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) , 4-5.11.2020 , Granada, Spain
37th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) , 30-31.05.2021 , Cordoba, Spain
37th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society , 22-24.07.2019 , Albuquerque, United States / International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
39th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) , 30-31.05.2022 , Granada, Spain
39th International Business Information Management Association Conference [IBIMA Conference] , 30-31.05.2022 , Granada, Spain
3rd International Conference on Economics and Management Innovations (ICEMI 2018) , 30.06.2018 - 01.07.2018 , Tajchung, Tajwan
3rd International Conference on Economics, Business Management and Social Sciences , 7-11.08.2018 , Skopje, Macedonia
3rd International Scientific Conference Challenges to National Defence in Contemporary Geopolitical Situation , 15-16.09.2022 , Vilnius, Lithuania
40th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) , 23-24.11.2022 , Seville, Spain
41St International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) , 26-27.06.2023 , Granada, Spain / International Business Information Management Association Conference
41th International Business Information Management Association Conference IBIMA 2023 , 26-27.06.2023 , Granada, Spain
42nd International Business Information Management Association Conference , 22-23.11.2023 , Sewilla, Spain
42nd International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) , 22-23.11.2023 , Seville, Spain / International Business Information Management Association Conference
43rd International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) , 26-27.06.2024 , Madryt, Spain
4th Annual International Research Conference GlobState 2021 : Security Environment in the (Post) Pandemic World and Its Implications for the Conduct of Military Operations , 30.11.2021 - 02.12.2021 , Bydgoszcz, Polska
4th International Conference on Management Science and Management Innovation , 23-25.06.2017 , Suzhou, China
4th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE 2019) , 21-23.09.2019 , Chengdu, China
4th World Conference on Women’s Studies , 5-7.05.2018 , Colombo, Sri Lanka / World Conference on Women’s Studies
5th International Online Conferences on Economics and Social Sciences , 9-10.04.2021 , Lahore, Pakistan
6th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering. The energy system beyond 2020 – challenges and opportunities , 21-24.09.2020 , Kraków, Polska / CPOTE
9th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology , 11-13.02.2020 , Oxford, United Kingdom
9th International Conference on Management "People, Planet and Profit : Sustainable business and society" , 13-14.06.2019 , Gödöllő, Węgry / International Conference on Management (ICoM)
9th International Scientific Conference on Communication and Information Technologies , 4-6.10.2017 , Vysoke Tatry, Slovac Republic
Ab Occidente referunt… „Zachód” doby nowożytnej w badaniach historyków polskich , 24-25.11.2016 , Kraków, Polska
Armia obywatelska czy zawodowa? : ocena wybranych modeli organizacyjnych armii w perspektywie historycznej i współczesnej , 17.05.2017 , Warszawa, Polska
"Burza" na Wołyniu. Wokół dziejów 27 Dywizji Piechoty Armii Krajowej , 29.01.2018 , Warszawa, Polska
Funkcjonowanie państwa w warunkach zewnętrznego zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa państwa i w czasie wojny , 23-24.11.2021 , Warszawa, Polska
Hybrid Warfare in Ukraine – Outcomes and Recommendations for Europe and the World , 23-24.11.2016 , Piotrków Trybunalski, Polska
ICEIT 2019: 2019 8th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology , 2-4.03.2019 , Cambridge, United Kingdom / ICEIT: International Conference on Educational and Information Technology
III Cyberkonferencja pt. "Trzecia Generacja Cyberbezpieczeństwa-Cyberwywiad-Kryptologia" , 23.05.2018 , Warszawa, Polska
III Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Dylematy współczesnej obronności i bezpieczeństwa RP” , 30.05.2019 , Warszawa, Polska
III Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa z cyklu BEZPIECZEŃSTWO POLSKI W XX i XXI WIEKU. 20 lat członkostwa Polski w NATO – oczekiwania i rzeczywistość , 26-27.11.2019 , Częstochowa, Polska
III Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa "Uniwersyteckie Dni Dyplomacji" , 11-12.04.2018 , Warszawa, Polska
II Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Wokół Paula Ladewiga i jego "Katechizmu biblioteki" , 3-4.06.2019 , Bydgoszcz, Polska
II Międzynarodowy Kongres Bezpieczeństwa W trosce o bezpieczne jutro. Reminiscencje i zamierzenia. , 6-8.12.2017 , Toruń, Polska / Międzynarodowy Kongres Bezpieczeństwa W trosce o bezpieczne jutro. Reminiscencje i zamierzenia.
II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa nt. "Samorząd terytorialny w kształtowaniu bezpieczeństwa publicznego" , 7.06.2019 , Pułtusk, Polska
II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa "Wyzwania i rozwój obrony powietrznej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej - obronność RP XXI wieku" , 28-29.11.2018 , Dęblin, Polska
I Kongres Naukowy Niepaństwowej Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej "Człowiek w dobie współczesnych wyzwań i zagrożeń" , 10-11.05.2018 , Białystok, Polska
I Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa "Bezpieczeństwo euroatlantyckie i polityka Federacji Rosyjskiej. Zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej" , 23-24.05.2019 , Piotrków Trybunalski, Polska
International and Scientific and Educational Conference. Actual Problems of Education (MIP 2016) , 25-26.02.2016 , Riga, Latvia
International Conference on Energy, Ecology and Environment (ICEEE 2018) , 21-25.11.2018 , Melbourne, Australia
International Conference on Korean Studies , 24.03.2017 , Sofia, Bułgaria / International Conference on Korean Studies
International Conference on New Trends in Signal Processing (NTSP) , 10-12.10.2018 , Demanowska Dolina, Slovac Republic
International Scientific and Educational Conference “Actual Problems of Education” , 25-26.02.2016 , Ryga, Łotwa
International Scientific Conference 2017. Defense and Security Arms, Technologies, Logistics Communication and Computing Technologies Social Science , 3-5.10.2017 , Shumen, Bulgaria / International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”
International Scientific Conference - Defense Technologies DefTech 2021 Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems , 6-8.10.2021 , Shumen, Bulgaria / International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”
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