Poland’s Border as External Border of the European Union – Contemporary Threats and Challenges
[ 1 ] Instytut Bezpieczeństwa Państwa, Wydział Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] pracownik
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EN Poland is a country that forms a part of the EU's external border. As a transit country, it is exposed to many risks associated with the movement of goods and persons. The increasing movement of goods and trade in goods between Member States of the European Union and countries from other parts of the world is the basis for the emergence and identification of threats such as illegal migration, trafficking in human beings, the transport of prohibited goods or dangerous goods, tax fraud and customs and tax evasive measures. The challenge of border security Polish is also the anti-epidemic, which in the case of SARS-Cov-2 has highlighted the need for border services to cooperate with other services, guards and inspections. The experience of the Polish Border Guard and the Polish Army and other state services carried out under Operation “Tarcza” (Shield) is proof of this. The cooperation of police, anti-epidemic services, fire and border guards is a major challenge for border security Polish and the EU. Contemporary threats to state’s border are multifaceted. Organized border crime, trafficking in human beings, smuggling of drugs, prohibited persons and goods, as well as illegal migration are constantly occurring and dangerous border phenomena. State security in the situation of the SARS-Cov2 pandemic has shown the need for cooperation of many services, inspections, guards, the Police and the Polish Army. The effectiveness of these formations' activities is a guarantee of state security in the 21st century.
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