Student’s opinion on the academic curriculum in military classes
[ 1 ] Instytut Podstaw Bezpieczeństwa, Wydział Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] pracownik
artykuł naukowy
- Badania ilościowe
- Badania jakościowe
- Edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa
- Klasa wojskowa
- Kształcenie
- Pedagogika wojskowa
- Polska
- Przysposobienie wojskowe
- Raport z badań
- Szkoły średnie
- Uczniowie
- Uniformed classes
- Students
- Education for safety
- Poland
- Education
EN This article includes the results of the author`s research into the curriculum in military classes in the opinion of student class participants. The below study looks at the results of pilot studies implementing a diagnostic survey, the technique of the survey and a research tool such as the author`s questionnaire with scaling. The study consists of an introduction discussing education in military classes, the methodology of the research and the characteristics of the students as well as a preliminary assessment of the curriculum in military classes. The summary includes answers to the posed research problems and conclusions for further study based upon them.
26 - 44
Bibliografia na stronie 44.
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