Security and Defence Quarterly
[ 1 ] Instytut Podstaw Bezpieczeństwa, Wydział Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ 2 ] Instytut Zarządzania, Wydział Zarządzania i Dowodzenia, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ 3 ] Wydział Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] employee
War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland. Address: Al. Gen Chruściela “Montera” 103, 00-910 Warsaw, Poland e-mail:
PL Bezpieczeństwo i wojskowość
Open Access
Security and Defence Quarterly (ISSN 2300-8741; eISSN 2544-994X) is an international and multidisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding theory, research, and practice in the field of security and defence. The journal invites submissions of empirical and theoretical research which is set within a global context and relies on rigorous methodologies. Original research, reviews, conceptual articles, short papers, book reviews, and interviews are welcome. Basic and applied research should concern but is not limited to military, political, legal, economic, environmental, cyber, and social aspects of security and defence studies. The journal seeks to engage the global scientific community from various disciplines, such as military sciences, political sciences, international relations, intelligence studies, engineering, informatics, medicine, psychology, pedagogy, and others. It constitutes a platform for presenting the outcomes of high quality research as a contribution to security and defence studies. The journal, established in 2013 by the National Defence University (the War Studies University since 2016), initially aimed at promoting scientific research carried out at universities affiliated to the Central European Forum on Military Education (CEFME). Since 2016, Security and Defence Quarterly has been published four times a year under the auspices of the Faculty of National Security of the War Studies University in Warsaw, Poland. Special issues are published separately - one issue per year. The journal is indexed in DOAJ, ERIH+,EBSCO, CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities), Index Copernicus International, POL-INDEX, BazTech, Baz Hum, CeON Repository (Repository of the Centre for Open Science, an open-access repository for research output of Polish scholars). Each paper published in Security and Defence Quarterly is assigned a DOI® number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the published paper.