Banknote counterfeiting problem in Poland
[ 1 ] Instytut Studiów Strategicznych, Wydział Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] pracownik
Rocznik: 2019 | Numer: nr 4 (699)
artykuł naukowy
- Bezpieczeństwo finansowe
- Bezpieczeństwo narodowe
- Fałszerstwo
- Modernizacja
- Pieniądz
- Polska
- Przestępczość
EN The paper presents the phenomenon of banknote counterfeiting in Poland and a selection of methods used against this type of crime. It shows that the number of counterfeit banknotes in Poland is much lower than in the eurozone countries. Moreover, a share of counterfeit Polish zloty banknotes significantly dropped in 2015-2018 to the level of 2.6-2.7 PPM. This reduction should be associated with the Polish zloty banknotes upgrading in 2014 and 2016 that introduced a set of new security features discussed in this paper. This leads to the conclusion that a regular currency modernization and an introduction of new security features are a very effective anti-counterfeit method.
71 - 89
Bibliografia na stronach 88-89
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