Military class in Poland: experiences and perspectives
[ 1 ] Instytut Podstaw Bezpieczeństwa, Wydział Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] employee
scientific article
- Edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa
- Szkolnictwo wojskowe średnie
- Przysbosobienie wojskowe
- Defence
- Education
- Education for safety
- Military classes
EN Military classes in Poland can be defined as classes of lower secondary and upper secondary schools, which carry out broadly defined education for safety and participate with the Ministry referred to by their name. Also, the programmes of these classes are enriched with issues related to the defencee of the country, the history of the Polish army and the evolution of patriotic attitudes among children and young people. Military classes in Poland are very popular among both teachers and students. The purpose of this article is to examine military classes in Poland, with particular focus on experience in this field, as well as an indication of capabilities, and, thus, the developmental prospects of these classes. The analysis was carried out starting with a presentation of the origins of functioning military classes, after which the current possibilities of building programmes of these classes were presented. In the next part of the work the author has carried out a preliminary diagnosis of the functioning of military classes. Subsequently, the proposal of a programme of military classes, which was developed at the National Defence Academy in Warsaw in 2014, is revealed. The whole article ends with a summary and conclusions.
110 - 132
open journal
final published version