Military classes as an area of interest for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Experience and perspectives
[ 1 ] Instytut Podstaw Bezpieczeństwa, Wydział Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] pracownik
artykuł naukowy / referat
- Edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa
- Innowacje pedagogiczne
- Klasy mundurowe
- Klasy wojskowe
- Metody nauczania
- Polska
- Siły zbrojne
- Army
- Education for safety
- Military classes
- Poland
- Uniformed classes
EN Military classes have attracted the attention of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland due to several reasons: the curriculum that oscillates around the defense issues and the professionalization of the Polish Army in 2010, which resulted in its reduction in size to 100,000 soldiers and the limitation of the inflow of trained personnel. This study aims not only to investigate the characteristic of students studying in military classes and their goals but also to describe the curriculum in military classes. The aim of the article is to discuss the issue of military classes as an area of interest for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. The research method used in the study was diagnostic survey, the research technique was a questionnaire and document analysis. Achieving the goal requires presenting the results of own research on the teleology of the functioning of military classes, where the characteristics of the students of military classes were characterized in terms of their axiological predispositions and objectives, and the objectives of programs implemented in military classes were presented. Next, the praxeology of the functioning of military classes was presented based on the diagnosis of various curricula as part of pedagogical innovations and on the basis of the "Teaching program for upper secondary schools of the subject of Military education".
339 - 353
Bibliografia na stronach 352-353.
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