Wargaming the cyber resilience of structurally and technologically different networks
[ 1 ] Finnish National Defence University, Helsinki, Finland | [ 2 ] Finnish Defence Research Agency, Riihimäki, Finland
artykuł naukowy
- Cyber defence
- Cyber resilience
- Wargaming
- Closed national network
- Russia
EN Based on a review of diff erent analytical frameworks, it is suggested to run a table top cyber wargame when trying to analyse the eff ects of closed national networks being imposed in the near future. Th e scope of the wargame is to extract results to show how the resilience of an open national network diff ers from a closed national network. It is self-evident that the formation process of resilience is diff erent between the diverse systems. Th e proposed wargame is a two-sided cyber table top wargame. Th e wargame is based on at least two blue teams, at least one red team and a control team (namely a white team). One blue team is located in the closed national networks and its system relies on closed national network infrastructure. Th e other blue team operates its system within open network society. By designing, constructing and executing the proposed cyber wargame we argue it is possible to fi nd these diff erences and similarities as well. Current research improves cyber situation awareness and proposes a direction to be followed when trying to understand the changing circumstances of the cyber space. It also suggests how the research resources could be directed when trying to improve the situation awareness of the closing process.
51 - 64
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