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Conclusions from the use of aviation in the first half of the first year of the Ukrainian-Russian war


[ 1 ] Wydział Wojskowy, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] employee

Scientific discipline (Law 2.0)

[6.3] Security studies

Year of publication


Published in

Security and Defence Quarterly

Journal year: 2023 | Journal volume: vol. 42 | Journal number: no. 2

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • Air defence
  • Air forces
  • Air forces technology
  • Air operations
  • Air systems
  • Armed conflicts
  • Military security
  • State defence system
  • War
  • Ukraine
  • Russia
  • NATO
  • Agresja rosyjska na Ukrainę (2022)
  • Geopolityka
  • Konflikty zbrojne
  • Obrona przeciwlotnicza
  • Operacje powietrzne
  • Samoloty bojowe
  • Siły powietrzne
  • System obrony państwa
  • Systemy powietrzne
  • Śmigłowce bojowe
  • Rosja
  • Ukraina
  • NATO

EN The aim of the article is to suggest a desirable direction in which the Polish air force, and indeed the air forces of other NATO countries, should develop so that they are better prepared for the challenges identified in the conflict in Ukraine so far. In order to achieve the aim of the research and answer the formulated research question, the collection and qualitative analysis of texts and documents, observation and interviewing took place. In order to have the ability to deter and gain air superiority during a defensive operation, the Polish air force, and air forces of other NATO countries, should have a large resource of fighter, multi-role, and fighter-bomber aircraft. An object-oriented multi-layer air defence of every military airfield needs to be organised and certain roads reconstructed as runways in the event of war. In turn, helicopter aviation units should be able to organise forward arming and refuelling points for helicopters to effectively support land forces. Attack helicopters should also have integrated fire systems that allow them to attack from a distance beyond the range of man-portable air-defence systems. All warplanes should be equipped with proven and modern systems of active and passive self-defence to make them less susceptible to enemy influence. To sum up, in light of the war in Ukraine, the article explains what aviation equipment is necessary and what actions should be taken to increase both Polish air force’s ability and other NATO air forces’ ability to perform tasks during wartime.

Date of online publication


Pages (from - to)

68 - 104




Bibliografia na stronach 97-104.

Copyrights to the institution

Akademia Sztuki Wojennej

License type

CC BY (attribution alone)

Open Access Mode

open journal

Open Access Text Version

final published version

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Date of Open Access to the publication

at the time of publication

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