Authorities Competent for Cybersecurity in Germany
[ 1 ] Katedra Prawa Bezpieczeństwa, Instytut Prawa, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph
- Critical infrastructure
- Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity strategy
- Government
- Safety
- Security policy
- Germany
EN In Germany, the federal states are generally responsible for the prevention of threats in cyberspace. The Federal Government has special jurisdiction over threat prevention in certain areas, such as international terrorism, security in the territory belonging to the federal railways, border protection, and national self-protection, where jurisdiction extends to the cyber domain. Cooperation between the Federal Government and Länders is essential. Germany’s new Cybersecurity Strategy, adopted by the Federal Government on 8 September 2021, provides a framework for government action for the next five years. Germany was one of the first countries to respond to cyber threats in Europe. The Strategy announced the setting up of an institution, within the remit of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, whose task would be to provide technical support to federal security and technical authorities, including intelligence services, in their operational cyber capabilities. The German Federal Government’s cybersecurity policy is consistent and in line with the European Union’s cybersecurity policy. The multiplicity of tasks requires the involvement of multiple actors who, in a decentralised form, carry out tasks at both strategic and operational levels.
223 - 232
Bibliografia na stronach 230-231.
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