Operation Leyte – operational fires
[ 1 ] Dr. Franjo Tuđman Croatian Defence Academy
scientific article
- Fire
- Japan
- Military operations
- Philippines
- United States of America
EN Operational fires are one of most important functions in a synergy effect with other operational functions that contribute to the achievement of targeted operational goals. The main operational goal of the American takeover of the Philippines was cutting Japan’s supply lines. This goal had been achieved primarily by effective planning of operational fires. The Japanese forces were neutralised by air strikes, primarily on air bases and aviation, sea ports and ships and those places where they could provide support to forces in the Philippines. This created conditions for landing in the Philippines. By the successful isolation of the Philippines, the US forces gained an advantage that resulted in landing their troops in the Philippines, and the victory in the largest naval and air battle at that time – the Battle of Leyte Gulf. Th e Japanese desperate attempts to use the kamikazes could not prevent the inevitable, and that was the military defeat of Japan.
16 - 25
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