Selected problems related to using land forces in the future operational environment
[ 1 ] Deputy Land Forces Inspector Armed Forces General Command, Warsaw, Poland
scientific article
- Armed conflicts
- Land forces
- Military operations
- War
EN Conclusions from past armed conflicts indicate that in basic military operations, especially when the military objective is to capture or maintain a specific area, terrestrial troops will play a decisive role, although their success will largely depend on the tasks carried out by other types of armed forces. Individual types of armed forces operate in a different environment and have different characteristics, but each of them performs a unique function, which it implements to achieve a common goal. It is basically a means to achieve the expected final state by achieving the synergy effect of all types of armed forces. The evolutionary nature of the security environment puts significant demands on land forces in terms of their ability to conduct operations in complex technical, meteorological and combat conditions. In view of the above, modern terrestrial forces are distinguished by their full motorisation, their ability to function in a network-centric environment and multi- faceted cooperation with other types of armed forces. The article attempts to locate the above attributes of land forces in the hypothetical operating environment of the future.
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open journal
in press