Military higher education teaching and learning methodologies: An approach to the introduction of technologies in the classroom
[ 1 ] Military University Institute Research and Development Centre (CIDIUM) Military University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal | [ 2 ] Centre for Research in Organizations, Markets, and Industrial Management (COMEGI) Lusíada University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal | [ 3 ] Faculty of Sciences and Technology NOVA University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal | [ 4 ] Military University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal
scientific article
- Professional military education
- Teaching and learning methodologies
- Information and communication technologies
EN The study focuses on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Military Higher Education, delimited to the present moment and to the current professors and students of the Military University Institute. This study aims to analyse the relationship between ICT and teaching and learning methodologies in the context of professional military education, with emphasis on the concept of innovation in the classroom, on teaching and learning styles and on the role of ICTs in learning. The study is based on a mixed research strategy combining deductive and inductive approaches, materialized in a case study, with data collected through questionnaires, interviews and documentary analysis. This article focuses on the conceptual framework and its interconnection with the methodological strategy for the empirical study. The results presented refer to the pilot validation test of the data collection instruments and indicate that, in general, students and teachers share the same teaching-learning styles and both students and teachers show a good propensity to use ICT in the classroom.
123 - 154
CC BY-NC-ND (attribution - noncommercial - no derivatives)
open journal
final published version
at the time of publication