Influence of global security environment on collective security and defence science
[ 1 ] Strategic Research Institute, University of Defence, Republic of Serbia
scientific article
- Globalisation
- Defence science
- International relations
- Global security
- Hybrid
- Warfare
- Asymmetric threats
EN Globalisation is a phenomenon which influences every aspect of contemporary life. Neo- liberal ideas lead to the multifunctional interdependence of geopolitics, the political economy, international relations, security, and defence issues. In the globalised world, many issues can be raised: Where are the roots of modern conflict? Who are the stakeholders in international relations? What are the dominant forms of contemporary conflicts? Do the forms of collective security fulfill the legitimacy of objectivity? What are the new challenges for modern defence science? Through the multidisciplinary approach, based on academic literature, as well scholars research papers, this work aims to contribute to the clarifying a rational approach to modern defence science in the contemporary, global security environment.
5 - 20
CC BY-NC-ND (attribution - noncommercial - no derivatives)
open journal
final published version
at the time of publication