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Increasing the information superiority on the modern battlefield through the use of virtual reality systems


[ 1 ] Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Skierniewicach

Year of publication


Published in

Security and Defence Quarterly

Journal year: 2019 | Journal volume: vol. 25 | Journal number: no. 3

Article type

scientific article

Publication language


  • Virtual reality
  • Information superiority
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Vr
  • Modern battlefield

EN In the article, the authors describe the potential of using virtual reality systems in the aspect of increasing information superiority on the modern battlefield. The purpose of the article is to identify virtual reality systems as a tool to support this process. At the beginning, the authors present the genesis of virtual environments and they make a critical analysis of several virtual reality simulators, which have been the subject of scientific research in the last few years. In this way, the authors emphasise the dynamic development of the ICT sector and the possibility of using its technical innovations to support military operations. Next, the authors discuss data processing, which was correlated with the cycle of strategic thinking. Presentation of the hierarchy of information in information systems was the result of these analyses. In addition, the authors refer to the implementation of the communication process in the context of maximising the information superiority. They point to the relationship between the process of designing interactive virtual reality systems and communication theory. Finally, they highlight the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality simulators in the context of increasing information superiority on the modern battlefield.

Pages (from - to)

86 - 98



License type

CC BY-NC-ND (attribution - noncommercial - no derivatives)

Open Access Mode

open journal

Open Access Text Version

final published version

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