Legal problem with binding definitions illustrated with en example of extraordinary measures
[ 1 ] Instytut Bezpieczeństwa Państwa, Wydział Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph / paper
- Prawo
- Prawo wojskowe
- Stany nadzwyczajne
- Wojna
- Military law
- Poland
- War
EN In this article the author presents some binding definition occurring in Polish legal acts, but also in the wider context. As for terms such as aggression, state of war, martial law but also entities in public international law etc. Furthermore, the author refers to the hierarchy of sources of law in the Republic of Poland, indicating where a lack of definitions is, and where it seems that they are unnecessary according to the rules of legislative technique. Finally, the author also refers to the presence of the definitions in legal regulations which are related to extraordinary measures in the Republic of Poland. The last point is important because the correct interpretation of some key definitions, depends on the possibility of introducing one of the extraordinary measures.
214 - 218
Bibliografia i wykaz aktów prawnych na stronach 217-218.
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