Do We Need a European Army?
[ 1 ] Katedra Sił Powietrznych i Obrony Powietrznej, Wydział Wojskowy, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] employee
chapter in monograph / paper
- Bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe
- Wspólna Polityka Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony UE
EN Security environment of Europe and its neighborhood has undergone permanent erosion in recent years. Terrorism, illegal migration, failed states, civil wars in the neighborhood of the European Union (EU), as well as tensions with Russia are just some of the challenges for European security. Fortunately, more efforts has been done in the field of defence in the last two years than in the past twenty years. As a consequence, actions undertaken by European decision makers are heading towards creation of a European Army.The paper presents arguments for and common obstacles regarding creation of an European Army. Then discusses main activities inside the Common Security and Defence Policy which have triggered crucial actions leading to future building of a European Army. Finally, there is an answer to the question about rightness of such an initiative and general conclusion suggesting an increase of efforts by the EU member states in the field of defence rather than building common armed forces.
2018 (Date presumed)
1629 - 1636
Bibliografia, netografia na stronach 1635-1636.
publisher's website
final published version
WoS (15)