An analysis of popular justice on Polish facebook discussion groups
[ 1 ] Faculty of Political Science and International Studies Nicolaus Copernicus University, Thorn, Poland
scientific article
- Media społecznościowe
- Polska
EN The subject of this article is the efficiency of popular justice as the informal mechanism of public safety production on the example of Polish users of The investigation was based on the empirical data collected from Polish public discussion groups on the facebook website. The qualitative analysis of digital data allowed a presentation of what forms popular justice takes today and what kind of reconceptualisation it undergoes in comparison to its previous forms. The theory that backed up the study was the concept of informal institutions which allowed the most important characteristics and their changes to be demonstrated. The results show that popular justice is an ineffective mechanism of public safety production because of its selectivity and the high level of emotions related to judging people, which makes a just judgment impossible. Słowa kluczowe
78 - 93
CC BY-NC-ND (attribution - noncommercial - no derivatives)
open journal
final published version