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Przedsiębiorstwa transportowe o szczególnym znaczeniu gospodarczo-obronnym jako elementy systemu obronnego państwa : rozprawa doktorska


[ 1 ] Wydział Zarządzania i Dowodzenia, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ D ] phd student


[ 1 ] Wydział Zarządzania i Dowodzenia, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] employee


[ 1 ] Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie | [ 2 ] Akademia Marynarki Wojennej w Gdyni



  • Gospodarka
  • Przedsiębiorstwo transportowe
  • System obronny państwa
  • Polska

EN The last few years have brought about significant changes in the approach to related issues with security and defense in the country. The reason for special interest this topic is the tense situation in our eastern neighbors. On the one hand, the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and, on the other hand, the Russian dictatorship in Belarus makes the governments of the neighboring countries place greater emphasis on the security aspect. These situations have an indirect impact on the sense of security in Poland, which was reflected in preparation for the implementation of defense tasks. The military subsystem of the state defense system secures the forces and means necessary to defend the country, but due to limited resources it is not able to meet fully defensive needs. The task of the non-military subsystem is to use the resources and capabilities of institutions and entrepreneurs as part of the implementation of defense tasks. This obligation results from the provisions of law, because the Act of March 11 2022 on the defense of the Homeland (Journal of Laws 2022 item 655), imposes the obligation to implement defense tasks by entrepreneurs. In recent years, enterprises carrying out defense tasks have gained in importance, especially in the context of the current political and economic situation, because taking into account the experiences of eastern neighbors, the preparation for war made during peace gives a chance to win. Enterprises of special economic and defense importance, which remain ready to perform defense tasks, may favor this victory. This conviction became an inspiration for scientific research on the potential of these specific enterprises performing defense tasks for the Polish Armed Forces.

Number of pages


Signature of printed version

A/4181 + CD-ROM


Bibliografia, netografia, akty prawne na stronach 168-177.

First review

Lech Kościelecki

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Second review

Andrzej Bursztyński

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Dissertation status


Place of defense

Warszawa, Polska

Date of defense


Unit granting title

Akademia Sztuki Wojennej

Obtained title
