Legal Status of Foreigners in Light of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
[ 1 ] Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ P ] pracownik
PL Status prawny cudzoziemców w świetle Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
rozdział w monografii naukowej
- Agresja rosyjska na Ukrainę (2022)
- Cudzoziemcy
- Uchodźcy
- Ukraińcy
- Prawodawstwo
- Konstytucyjność prawa
- Prawa i wolności obywatelskie
- Prawo socjalne
EN The article aims to present a consideration of the constitutional regulation of the legal status of foreigners in Poland, with particular reference to the situation of Ukrainian citizens who, as a result of Russia’s armed aggression, had to leave their country. The Polish legislature enacted specific solutions regulating the legal status of these persons in the Republic and specified in detail the forms of assistance from which they can benefit. The analysis of these solutions in the context of constitutional guarantees leads to the conclusion that they made it possible to secure the possibility of exercising rights and freedoms by citizens of Ukraine in the territory of the Republic of Poland at such a difficult time, which posed a significant challenge both from a legislative and organizational perspective. The creation of a formal and legal basis, in such a special situation, required, among other things, the procedure for legalization of residence, which was simplified, the provision of a place and means of existence, and in the next stage access to the labor market and education. This article attempts to review selected legal solutions from the perspective of the catalog of constitutional rights and freedoms, noting that these solutions are temporary, which is due to the dynamics and complexity of the conflict in Ukraine. Within the framework of the research conducted, the dogmatic-legal method was mainly used.
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