The development of sanitary aviation in pre-war Poland – historical aspects
artykuł naukowy
- Aviation
- History
- Medical support
- Poland
- Rescue systems
EN This article looks at some historical aspects of sanitary aviation in Poland in the context of global aviation and its influence on the development of Polish aviation. The research was limited to the period from the rise of sanitary aviation until the outbreak of the Second World War. The first part of the article examines the development of sanitary aviation in the world. It includes mainly technical aspects starting from free balloons, flying ambulances and the first sanitary airplanes. The article also examines the legal aspects pertaining to the International Conference of the Red Cross in 1925. The main part of the article is concerned with the development of sanitary aviation in Poland. The history is divided into two parts, 1924-1927 and 1927-1939. The division was based on the legal act regulating the principles of operation of sanitary aviation, which changed its further development.
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