Coping with the “Nimby Syndrome”: Political issues related to the building of big infrastructures in liberal democracy countries
[ 1 ] University of Genova, Italy, Department of Political Sciences
artykuł naukowy
- Democracy
- Development
- Infrastructure
- Society
EN The location and building of big hazardous infrastructures is a typical feature of the modernization process, in all countries and epochs. Since they are usually useful for a large region but their impact is very localized, the people living around the places where these facilities are active, or where their building is planned, very often organize and perform protest activities against them. Starting from the presentation of recent data about these issues in Italy, considered as a good example of a liberal democracy country, the article is set to discuss their social and political consequences, focusing in particular on the so-called “NIMBY syndrome”, its development and the strategies elaborated by public and private actors to cope with it.
48 - 62
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