Values and norms of behaviour in the life of cadets
[ 1 ] Wydział Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ S ] student
artykuł naukowy
- Etyka
- Badania naukowe
- Morale żołnierskie
- Polska
- Studenci
- Szkolnictwo wojskowe wyższe
- Wartość
- Żołnierze
- Military high education system
- Poland
- Soldiers
- Soldiers’ morale
- Students
EN The aim of this paper is to analyse the meaning, role and place of values in the life of a soldier. Furthermore, the article explores the issues of soldiers’ ethical standards and types of behaviour which can be found in the modern army. It outlines that they are strongly influenced by the local culture. As a result of everyday performance, every individual makes assessments, i.e. formulates different opinions according to a specific criterion and assigns them a significant place in the hierarchy of values. In the light of this theory, the article examines the hierarchy of values and the norms of behaviour that occur in the lives of cadets. The paper uses The Rokeach Value Survey as well as The Kruskal–Wallis test by ranks. Using these two methods, the author analyses his own questionnaires to compare the value system of Polish Air Force University students. The main findings state that cadets have a permanent system of values. Moreover, they share similar judgments concerning different behaviour. Regardless of the course year, goals and values related to their homeland and family seem to be of the greatest importance. The overall findings of the paper show a great number of similarities in the cadets’ value system. It is recommended that the future research should focus on examining students of other Polish military universities in order to check if they respond differently. The results obtained may be helpful in the process of young soldiers’ upbringings taking into consideration the moral figure among military school graduates.
73 - 94,120784,0,2.html
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