"Kontrrewolucjonista i sabotażysta" : major dr Franciszek Michał Amałowicz ps. "Tatar" - lekarz, oficer Wojska Polskiego i Armii Krajowej w obozach sowieckich
[ 1 ] Instytut Historii i Polemologii, Akademia Sztuki Wojennej | [ 2 ] Instytut Pamięci Narodowej | [ P ] employee
scientific article
- Amałowicz
- Franciszek Michał (1903-1975)
- Armia Krajowa (AK)
- Wojsko Polskie (1918-1939)
- Lekarze
- Ofiary prześladowań
- Oficerowie
- Więźniowie obozów
- Polska
EN Franciszek Michał Amałowicz „Tatar” (1903–1970) participated in the battles for Lviv in 1918 and then fought in the Polish-Bolshevik war of 1919–1920 and the Third Silesian Uprising. As a Doctor of Medical Science and a major in the Polish Army he saw action during the Polish campaign of 1939. During 1940 Amałowicz served in the Home Army (Armia Krajowa) and from 1942 he commanded the 3rd region „Dęby” of the „Obroża” District (Rembertów). From November 1944, as a victim of Soviet repression he was imprisoned in various camps in Poland and the USSR. He returned to Poland in 1954, where he was operationally investigated by the Security Service.
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